Just a heads up. All my currently available Yugo M57 Tokarev Grips are on ebay. Here is the link to check them out or purchase them: https://www.ebay.com/sch/timperkes2253/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
Curly Maple M57 Grips #T0061 - SOLD!! |
Cherry M57 Grips #T0062 |
Birdseye Maple M57 Grips #T0063 - SOLD!! |
Curly Maple M57 #T0064 |
Marblewood M57 Grips #T0065 - SOLD!! |
Black Striped Tineo #T0066 |
Purpleheart M57 #T0067 - SOLD!! |
Goncalo Alves M57 Grips #T0069 - SOLD!! |
Desert Ironwood M57 #T0068 - SOLD!! |
Walnut M57 #T0070 |